Easy As Pie Collection

Easy As Pie Collection


Easy As Pie Collection


This collection has everything you need to up the ante on your baking! Sweet or savory? Either way, it's easy as pie!  

Just follow the on-pack dough directions and use the exclusive tools to bake a create pie crust base for all your  faves! 

Collection includes one of each:

  • EXCLUSIVE Easy as Pie Dough Mix. Just add cubes of cold butter and water; ready in 20 minutes or less! Gluten-free mix, no artificial colors or flavors. Each sachet makes one 9-inch pie crust.
  • EXCLUSIVE Marble Rolling Pin. French style rolling pin; rolls easily to ensure uniform thickness. Heavy natural marble helps keep dough cold. 10 in (25 cm) 
  • EXCLUSIVE Silicone Pastry Mat. Reusable and non-stick. Perfect for pastries of all kinds, biscuits, breads and more. Practical measurements as a guide for rolling out dough accurately. 23 x 16 in (58 x 41 cm)
